Thank you to all that supported the Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen and Teacher of the Year.
Grading is going on now and we should be done by 15 November 2022.
Monday - Stop by and say hello to your favorite Bartender. Baltimore at New Orleans. - Auxiliary cooking food (Baked Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread) - Flyer Attached
Tuesday - Stop by for a cold brew. Meeting night - Cooties meeting 1730, House Committee meeting 1800, Joint Opening at 1900 hours.
Wednesday - Whiskey Wednesday - Stop by and say hello to your favorite bartender. CERDA DART LEAGUE. No Darts this week.
Thursday - Thirsty Thursday - Stop by and have an ODD MAN RUSH Blonde, Enforcer, Oktoberfest or Coors light. Alaska. Thursday Night Football (Atlanta at Carolina)
Friday - Have a great Veterans Day. Stop by if you are in town and say hello to your favorite bartenders. Retirement Ceremony 1830. NO STEAK NIGHT; POTLUCK with the VFW Members smoking some brisket up for the post.
Saturday - Stop by for College Football Saturday, Kurt Mueller cooking up Brat's.
Sunday - NASCAR, NFL. Breakfast served from 1000 - 1230 (Quesenberry Crew). During Football Season. Post opens at 0900 for NFL Football. Bar opens at 1000.
Lots going on this month.
Thanksgiving Food Boxes to support families in Need. Flyer attached.
Friday Steak Night and Sunday Breakfast; If you are interested in helping out the crews can use your help and volunteerism.
5 TVS in the Post currently to watch all Sports.
Monday Night Football
Thursday Night Football
Bands and DJs
Hail and Farewell
Retirement Ceremonies
Birthday Parties
11 November 22 - Veterans Day - Friday (No Steaks) (POTLUCK - POST Cooking up smoked Brisket)
27 November 22 - Craft Fair - Basement 1000 - 1600. Contact Jane Keller for a table.
The VFW works hand in hand with Sports Clips for HERO scholarships (E5s and Below) SPORTS CLIPS is located in Wasilla and on Diamond Blvd.
Action Corps sends out weekly emails of what they are working on at National. Sign up to be an Action Corps Member and be in the know.
Voice of Democracy (VOD) and Patriots Pen (PP) Scholarship Programs Themes for 2022.
Life Membership VFW Pins are presented to Life Members for being a VFW Member for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years of consecutive membership. If you are due a membership pin, please see the Commander, Sr Vice; Jr Vice Commanders or Adjutant to get your name on the listing or email us at The pin will be presented to you at the Joint Membership meeting, 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1900 hours.